
UX East meets West is one of the most popular UX platform in Taiwan. Since founded in 2017, we have more than 10k+ followers and 13% engagement rate on social media.



2017/01/27 – Present


Creative Director



  • Branding

  • Blog (Medium)

  • Events / Talks (Online & Offline)

  • Social Media Management (Facebook)

  • Videos

UX EastmeetsWest_logo

Brand Story

UX is becoming increasingly popular; however, there are not many Chinese content. UX East Meets West was founded in 2017, a Chinese UX platform, connecting beginners and professionals.

Four co-founders origin from Taiwan, work across China and the U.S..
We share our knowledge by publishing quality content: articles and videos, raising the awareness of UX in the East.

The logo combines the traditional eastern culture, the shape of Porcelain Bowls, and modern minimal line which represents “UX“. We want to amplify social interaction and make people feel net positive via technology.


Social Media Management

To create a premium, classic branding for this special event, I combine iconic Jordan headshots and concert image with double exposure effect.

UX East meets West Facebook Fan Page

UX East meets West Facebook Fan Page

UX East meets West Medium Home Page

UX East meets West Medium Home Page



Four of us are National Tsing Hua University Alumni. We’ve known each other since college.
We work across Taiwan, China and the U.S., specializing in different areas: User Experience Design, User Research, Visual Communication and Conversation User Interaction Design.

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Nathan Chen, Sr. UX Designer at Alibaba, Hangzhou, specializes in Conversation User Interaction Design

Shandy Tsai, Lead Product Designer at Fevo, New York, specializes in User Experience Design & Visual Communication


Sabrina Cheng, Sr. UX Researcher at Trend Micro, Taipei, specializes in User Research

Wei Chen, UX Designer at Shure, Chicago, specializes in User Experience Design & Interaction



Although four of us work aboard, we try our best to engage our followers. We are invited to talks, organized events, and hosted workshops.


Followers Quotes

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Hope one day I can become an influencer like you.
— YT Lin, Graphic Designer

You inspire me to become a UX designer. You help me to get a better understanding of what UX is.
— Ashley H., Psychologist

I’m extremely grateful for your support. You give me the strength and courage to pursue my career.
— Anonymous, Entrepreneur

Lifelong Friendship

“A true friend freely advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.” – William Penn

What I’ve gained the most in these two year is that I made three lifelong friends who are honest, supportive, and brave.

Although we work in four different cities and without any authority, we publish articles every week. It’s all because of passion, we are doing something we are truly love. It’s a fantastic feeling to achieve a one thing, and it can be even better when I achieve it with friends.

Met Sabrina and Nathan at S.point design consultancy, Shanghai

Met Sabrina and Nathan at S.point design consultancy, Shanghai